Local Green Cleaning company hiring in West Chester, PA
Looking for a job? Go Green Cleaning Experts is looking to expand their team.

Apply to be a Go Green Cleaning Expert here.
Go Green Cleaning Experts, an environmentally friendly residential and office cleaning company in West Chester, PA, is looking to expand their team and hire new cleaners for Chester and Delaware Counties in Pennsylvania.
If knowing that they use 100% Green Seal certified products isn’t motivation enough to apply, then here are a few more reasons you should consider working with Donna Dougherty and her team at Go Green Cleaning Experts.
They Make It Fun!
Cleaning companies have a bad reputation for having only dirty, horrible jobs that nobody wants. Go Green Cleaning Experts is unlike any other company because for them cleaning isn’t a chore — it’s a time to have fun with great people and be part a great team. Go Green is looking for energetic, self-motivated individuals who fill the room with good vibes.
A positive attitude is essential because cleaning can be a demanding and physical job. That doesn’t mean it can’t be fun and rewarding too!
Constantly Striving for Excellence
Whether you’re deep-cleaning a bedroom or cleaning an office to make it organized and functional, everyone at Go Green constantly strives for excellence. It’s their mission. They pride themselves on their ability to clean efficiently, effectively, and flawlessly — while having fun along the way.
Excellence is such an important quality at Go Green that they offer Team Leader positions to employees who are diligent, maintain a positive attitude and establish a good rapport with clients. Because customer service is that important to Donna Dougherty.
Go Green Cleaning Experts provides employees with professional training programs and does not require night or weekend work.
Clean, Green Products
Go Green Cleaning Experts uses nothing but organic products that are 100% Green Seal certified. So, why is that important? Other companies use harsh chemicals that are both harmful to the environment and your health, but Go Green Cleaning Experts uses products that make a healthy change to all premises without sacrificing cleaning quality.
All Go Green Cleaning Experts products are non-toxic and low-allergenic, which reduces the chances of asthma, xenoestrogens and other illnesses. This benefits both team members and clients alike because green cleaning means allergy symptoms are reduced for everybody — just in time for spring!
Along with using their organic multi-purpose cleaners, they use naturally made cleaning solutions, like essential oils, and distilled vinegar. These are more cost-effective for clients than bigger brand names — which is why a lot of better-known brands are starting to incorporate these ingredients into their cleaning products.
So, apply here to be a Go Green Cleaning Expert.
For more information on how to work for Go Green Cleaning Experts, visit their website, email them at info@gogreencleaningexperts.com or call 610-800-6901.